A young Mac user at our Library came to my rescue today, when I was ranting about not being able to download generated images. He told me how to "right click" with a Mac even though Macs don't have a right clicker, as it were. So, yes, no doubt I should have known this before. But if instructions are given clearly for PCs, could they not also be given clearly for Macs. That doesn't seem a lot to ask!
Anyway, I have now downloaded two grandson-related generated images. Nothing special, but at least I succeeded.
I've also looked at LibraryThing. I thought the review/recommendation ability might be interesting. However, a review from a stranger is worth little if you know little of that person's tastes, etc. And how many thousands of reviews do you really want to read to find someone who might have a bit in common with you. Once again it seems to me that ongoing real life conversations about books might prove more efficient and more satisfactory. Perhaps if I were a recluse, a shut-in and/or NOT a librarian I might find this more intriguing. Nonetheless, I will give it another shot...
Blog Archive
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- Frustrated Again!
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- Yes, I know. Week three was actually weeks ago. ...