I've spent far too much time on Thing 20! But it's been intriguing. I decided to go to the full list of Web 2.0 nominees and search by topic. This led me to briefly explore a number of topics, but only one really grabbed me. The sites listed under "Philanthropy" were well worth more than a quick visit.
I spent time at Care2, having fun with (green) household hints, green living, and ecards. Even sent a couple of the latter, and am especially pleased with the cupcake birthday greeting sent to my cupcake baking niece. (She bakes the most outrageously wonderful cupcakes you can imagine!)
Then I spent time with BeGreen, GiveMeaning, and DonorsChoose. All of these are worth spending time with and returning to on occasion.
How any of this could be used at our Library is yet to be determined. No matter, it's all worth knowing about.
Note to PLLoggerR: Of course I totally agreed with your decision! It went into the book sale, from which I bought it. (Isn't it great having first dibs on discarded books?!)
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