Friday, March 7, 2008

I've signed up with Google Reader as my feed reader and subscribed to their news package as well as to Eye on the Sky, which, for reasons you'll probably understand, I've checked quite regularly this winter. The best and most useful part of all this is that I've added the blog my son in Micronesia has been writing. Were I to be truly truthful, I'd have to admit that this is the only one I really care about at all. But who knows, perhaps over time, as I check the others, I'll find myself more interested in the others.

I'm certainly learning what keeps people glued to their computers for hours on end and what has made productivity fall in workplaces and homes all across North America. My take on it all at this point is that it's a lot of sound and fury signifying very, very little. I'm sure there are fascinating blogs out there that I would enjoy reading and that would improve my knowledge, understanding and abilities in all sorts of areas. BUT the amount of time it would take to find them, the amount of time alone at my desk, bent over my computer, staring into its wretched screen, seems to me far too much to ask. Looking at all the suggested sites, even, dare I say it, reading a sampling of the Vermont librarians' blogs, feels like grabbing a mailbag, emptying it and reading random paragraphs from hither and yon. Too, too much time and energy used up for the information gleaned!

Of the sites, only Topix caught my attention at all - and I really did give the others the good ole college try! - but I can't see why I would need it now that I have my handy, dandy reader at the ready.

Perhaps I was born into the wrong century...?